
The Greatest Gift...

When I look back over the last few days I am reminded time and time again that it is by God's grace that we are here doing what we do and love, which is creating for His glory. The greatest gift we can ever have is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. If it wasn't for His saving grace where would we be guys?  This hoodie is a bold statement and our reminder that God gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for each and every one of us, saving us from an eternity away from God's presence. Friends, glorify Him every chance you get...

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The Clock Is Ticking

Zechariah a prophet to the Jews whose name means "the Lord remembers" called the people to remember God's promises.. He also reassured the people that God will establish his rule on earth through the soon coming Messiah whom he had prophesied would enter Jerusalem some hundreds of years later...The Messiah's rule would come but until then the people had time to prepare for it.. They had time to be faithful to God.. To repent of their sins and live obedient to God's Word...   We are indeed living now in the last days.. Take a look around you and we...

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Where Is Your Focus?

.. Blessings, faith, and answers are often missed because of distractions... You start out strong and mighty..Your mind is made up that I’m going to wait on God until my change comes.. But then you realize time is moving on and it seems like nothing still is happening.. . In fact, it seems like things are getting worse and the small thought “maybe this is not God’s will for me” or “maybe God is not with me” creeps in..Once the first distraction takes root, it causes you to take your eyes off God and instead place your eyes on the...

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Lockdown Life

How have you been coping in this lock-down season?... One thing that God has really impressed on my heart is that regardless of this season that we find ourselves in, God wants us to stay 'plugged in'. What do I mean by that?... we have an abundance of time to our disposal now, most of us are working from home so the environment may be more of a relaxed one, some of us have been furloughed so we are not actually allowed to work at all. One thing is for sure time is something we have more of during the...

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